Location: De Fabriek (Baarsstraat 38, Eindhoven)
June 9 – June 18

It was a great privilege and a lot of fun to collaborate with these three artists on their creative journeys the last two years. As their adventure comes to a close, they are ending it with a bang! A truly remarkable exhibition unfolded in the magnificent hall of artspace De Fabriek. These crazy talented individuals, with deep roots in graffiti culture, came together to showcase their personal evolution as intriguing and accomplished creators. I’m super proud!

Baroem (1997) is an enterprising photographer who seeks out the raw edges of analog photography. He finds his subjects in underground cultures, but he also created a photo series during his trip to Ukraine, capturing the influence of misinformation during the invasion’s outset.

Video by Quintijn Maas & Ralph Roelse

Antigoon (1983) creates machines that apply patterns with markers, spray cans, and other materials. The result is inhumanly perfect and geometric, but with traces of materials made for humans, such as dripping paint, pressed crayons, and pencil marks.

Ralph Roelse (1984) draws inspiration from the rugged beauty of industrial landscapes and translates his experiences into a hybrid form of painting and photography. This results in artworks in which he is able to integrate the bold energy of vandalism with the subtle emotions of painting.


I curated a show with the French artist OX at Kevn.
You can still visit it till May 14!
OX is the pseudonym of a French artist who has gained worldwide recognition for his take overs on more than 500 billboards.
His signature style involves the use of paper cutouts to create eye-catching and visually stimulating compositions. OX’s art often features abstract geometric shapes and patterns.

This exhibition is proudly presented by KEVN, powered by Emoves and curated by Jasper van Es. Videos by


For De Heuvel i set up an Open Call for Urban Artists. Each artist gets a change to take over one of the four columns in their shopping mall. The open call ended on January 8th and we got 198 applications!! In February the 4 winners of the Open Call started painting the columns. And the winners are…. Andre HZS, Nina Valkhoff, Kid Kura and Zena-Rae.


Curated by Jasper van Es

9, 10 and 11 December East Eric exhibited his embroidery art for the first time for a large audience during his solo exhibition Unchained Melody at HouseWest_ and Kelderman en van Noort in Eindhoven (NL).

Deze afbeelding heeft een leeg alt-attribuut; de bestandsnaam is Schermafbeelding-2022-11-29-om-21.46.50-1024x1024.jpg

About 15 years ago, when I was still active as a graffiti writer, I became aware of the expressive, aggressive but also innovative and impressive interventions East Eric did on the streets with fire extinguishers filled with paint and other self made painting tools. Like many others I lost sight of him and his work. So when I met Eric at the end of June 2022 in Ljubljana (SLO) I was amazed by the work Eric still made everyday but mostly kept for himself. Not only was he still doing interventions but I was even more amazed by the delicate embroidery work he made on clothing and other second hand fabrics. It was like a treasure chest that opened up but didn’t have a bottom. We did some spontaneous trips and actions and a friendship arose. He is one of the most inspirational and interesting people I have ever met. His ways of thinking are motivational and his ideas are contagious. Besides that he is also very passionate about life. Sometimes so passionate we often collide when we hang out. Because Eric is present, he is never boring, he is very much alive, he is like a full battery that needs to release its energy. Every hour of every day. And you feel it in his art. Eric can not stop creating. For him it must feel like breathing. Without it I wonder where he would be.
While creating these embroideries, between 2020 and 2022, Eric told me he was going through a rough time as he worked hard to combat some strong behavior he had developed over the years. Making these embroideries gave him a new focus and after two years he regained control over his own body and mind. For me this work embodies his passion and his dedication.
Just like 15 years ago when I first saw his work he still inspires me. East Eric is back. 

Jasper van Es
November 2022

East Eric

Kelderman & van Noort Galileïstraat 2 Eindhoven

HouseWest_Marconilaan 28 Eindhoven

Interested in catalogue? Send me a mail!



Sigmund Freud metaphorically drew a comparison between ‘high achievement and the acquisition of wealth as building monuments to our penises’.
Even though we think that phallic architecture is an age-old thing, even in the modern day there is proof that the world still believes a phallic structure symbolizes strength, power, male domination and political authority.
The huge unfinished parking garage in Ljubljana (SLO) could and should be seen as a failure but still symbolizes th same domination and authority. Perhaps more than if it had been finished.

On the first of July 2022 three men decided to turn this place into a new monument.

We made a publication/artwork, shirt and handmade jewelry about the project. If interested send me a mail.

I won a ‘Gouden K’

Vandaag werd een Gouden K uitgereikt aan maker Jasper van Es. Stichting Kunstweek kent jaarlijks tien Gouden K’s toe. Dit jaar hebben bijna vijftig wethouders met kunst en cultuur in hun portefeuilles, inwoners uit hun gemeenten voorgedragen voor een Gouden K. Wethouder Saskia Lammers droeg maker Jasper van Es voor: ‘Jasper is een voorvechter voor creativiteit in Eindhoven en weet onze stad op vele manieren een stuk mooier te maken. Hij biedt daarin veel ruimte voor kunstenaars en zet ook andere vormen van beeldende kunst, zoals graffiti, op de kaart in Eindhoven en de rest van Nederland.’ 

Meer info hier


Together with Graphic Matters we made a pop up show during the Dutch Design Week with the photographs Baroem took when visiting Ukraine in the beginning of the war. More info about the photos here.

Upcycling in Woensel West

With Buro Edison we collaborate with other people to make the neighbourhood Woensel West an even nicer place than it already is. Many times it’s a lot of fun. Just like last weekend when we organized Woensel Westival with a bunch of activities. One of the activities we setup ourselves was kind of an experiment but worked out really well! Eindhoven365, the city marketing, blessed us with some leftover clothing from their previous keiblack collection, and together with enthusiastic visitors of the Woensel Westival we started upcycling them. End of the day we had some great results!